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What is First Aid?
by Sandrine

First Aid is initial help given to a person (an adult, a child or an infant) who is sick or injured.

It could be :  

  • in your house
  • at work
  • during spare time activities
  • during an English lesson at Play & Learn …

It could be :  

  • you
  • your spouse 
  • your child
  • your parent
  • a neighbour
  • a colleague
  • a stranger

Procedure if there is an incident

Evaluate the situation.

Estimate danger for yourself and the victim. 
You cannot help the victim by putting yourself at risk.

Who to call ?

What to say ?

What to do for :

  1. choking
  2. wounds, abrasions and bleeding
  3. nosebleed
  4. haemorrhage
  5. burns
  6. broken bones
  7. faintness
  8. asthmatic – diabetic
  9. unconscious but breathing
  10. unconscious and not breathing
  11. how do you do a CPR ( Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation )
  12. how do you use an AED ( Automated External Defibrillator )

What to do?

If you are not able to answer at least one of these questions, then perhaps it would be a good thing to LEARN WHAT TO DO !

article by Sandrine Bréard-David © 2010

vocabulary & explanations
to choke = s'étrangler a wound = une blessure to injure = blesser
to bleed = saigner an injury = une blessure
(not = an insult)
to wound = blesser
a ---bleed = un saignement d--- a burn = une brulure a bone = un os
to break = casser to faint = s'évanouir to breathe = respirer

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revised :  01 June 2010 / created : 01 June 2010

Play & Learn = l'anglais pour tous - Franqueville-St-Pierre
e-mail  : playandlearn@free.fr / tel : 06 25 78 80 78