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Sahel/Panaghia - an old friend

Jean describes some of his memories


Between August of 1957 and July of 1961, I worked in Huard's architectural drawing office. It was at the end of the "Boulevard des Belges" in Rouen, on the right bank of the Seine river. At the same time I lived near the "Place Voltaire" in Sotteville-lès-Rouen on the left bank of this river.

So twice a day I had to go across the River. Since the last war, the bridges were broken in Rouen. Only a temporary bridge permitted the traffic to cross the Seine, but for pedestrians and bicycles 2 or 3 towing ferries functioned, one of which was near the bottom of the boulevard des Belges, so twice a day I used the ferry boat.

From time to time an old boat was here, in the Rouen harbour.
I saw her, flaking with yellow paint.

By meeting somebody regularly it is possible to become friends ... the old SAHEL became a friend. But one day her name became PANAGHIA - and she never came back to Rouen.


article by Jean, published May 2011

vocabulary (in English, en français)
river-banks = sides of a river to flake = peel a flake = flocon , écaille
a bank = banque, banc, bord, rive   to peel = peler, écailler



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revised :  - / created : 10-May-2011

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