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"Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté, luxe, calme et volupté" [Beaudelaire - L'invitation au voyage]

I've often thought of these two verses for ages.

It's weird because I never studied the poem, I only know this quotation.

I guess my mother told me of it. She was a French teacher and loved French literature.

I think about it when I feel well, in a nice place, with people I like.I also think about it when I'm stressed and want to imagine something pleasant. So I see a very beautiful and luxurious place where I spend time with friends or relatives and I relax.

by Noëlle, published June 2012


weird = strange


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revised :  / published: 1-June-2012 / created : 29-Mar-2012

Play & Learn = l'anglais pour tous - Franqueville-St-Pierre
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