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Play and Learn

The Perfect Man

by Sylvie,



Who is the perfect man?

The twelve qualities he must have:

- When he looks at you, he really looks at you
- He is generous but not submitted
- He is voluntary but patient
- He has ambitious dreams but keeps his feet on the ground
- He knows how to cook
- He is physically active
- He is intelligent, confident in his abilities but not big headed
- He knows how to make you laugh and smile
- He says he love you without being obliged and his acts proves it
- He accepts to be wrong for preserving calm
- At every time you need help, he is always here for you
- He says that without you, he is lost, and, he thinks so


This the portrait of the perfect man, but
something is missing: the perfect man is a

man who is able to put up with you during a
long time !





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revised :  / published : 07.02.2019/ created : feb 2019

Play & Learn = l'anglais pour tous - Franqueville-St-Pierre
e-mail  : playandlearn@free.fr / tel : 06 32 31 62 31

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